Bonny Poon
Off The Wall
Artist Dealer User Lover Pet, black spray paint, 2022

I Am Alpha (End Credits), video, 2017-2022
Artist Dealer User Lover Pet, black spray paint, 2022
White Flag, paper, glue, wood, white wall paint, string, 2022

Artist Dealer User Lover Pet, black spray paint, 2022
Artist Dealer User Lover Pet, black spray paint, 2022
White Flag, paper, glue, wood, white wall paint, string, 2022

Anatomy of a Deal, oil on canvas, 2022
No, Thanks, barricade, 2022
Untitled (Portrait of Ilya), c-print, 2022

Das Gegenteil von ‘gut’ ist ‘gut gemeint.’ - unknown
‘You love when I fall apart (fall apart) so you can put me together and throw me against the wall’ - Rihanna
In the aftermath, I set upon a journey to set straight a maze of human bondage and debt. Is it worth unpacking who or what belonged to whom or what, when every moment was a fight to stay sovereign?
So much talk of freedom when it seems what we crave is to live and relive moments of being shackled. We play hide and seek with our own emotional helplessness: on a church pew; in a bank vault; before a sunset.
And in every sublime experience that sings of our dissolution, again, demons come to surface.
‘You love when I fall apart (fall apart) so you can put me together and throw me against the wall’ - Rihanna
In the aftermath, I set upon a journey to set straight a maze of human bondage and debt. Is it worth unpacking who or what belonged to whom or what, when every moment was a fight to stay sovereign?
So much talk of freedom when it seems what we crave is to live and relive moments of being shackled. We play hide and seek with our own emotional helplessness: on a church pew; in a bank vault; before a sunset.
And in every sublime experience that sings of our dissolution, again, demons come to surface.